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Table 3 Changes in adiposity indicators and risk of COVID-19 (HR and 95%CI)

From: Association of adiposity and its changes over time with COVID-19 risk in older adults with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome: a longitudinal evaluation in the PREDIMED-Plus cohort


No. of cases/total

Crude model

Model 1

Model 2

Body weight change



1 (ref)

1 (ref)

1 (ref)

  Stable/ < 5% loss


0.99 (0.82, 1.18)

0.98 (0.82, 1.18)

0.96 (0.80, 1.16)

  >  = 5% loss


0.78 (0.64, 0.95) *

0.79 (0.65, 0.96) *

0.81 (0.67, 0.996)*

  Linear (per 1 kg increase)


1.01 (1.001, 1.02)*

1.01 (1.00, 1.02)*

1.01 (1.00, 1.03)*

BMI change



1 (ref)

1 (ref)

1 (ref)

  Stable/ < 5% loss


0.90 (0.75, 1.08)

0.89 (0.74, 1.06)

0.91 (0.76, 1.09)

  >  = 5% loss


0.80 (0.66, 0.97)*

0.80 (0.66, 0.97)*

0.84 (0.69, 1.03)

  Linear (per 1 kg/m2 increase)


1.04 (1.003, 1.07)*

1.04 (1.00, 1.07)*

1.04 (1.003, 1.08)*

Waist circumference change



1 (ref)

1 (ref)

1 (ref)

  Stable/ < 5% loss


0.87 (0.73, 1.04)

1.06 (0.88, 1.26)

0.97 (0.81, 1.16)

  ≥ 5% loss


0.80 (0.65, 0.996) *

0.97 (0.79, 1.20)

0.95 (0.76, 1.18)

  Linear (per 1 cm increase)


1.00 (0.98, 1.01)

1.00 (0.98, 1.01)

1.00 (0.99, 1.01)

Waist-to-height ratio change (WHtR)



1 (ref)

1 (ref)

1 (ref)

  Stable/ < 5% loss


1.07 (0.91, 1.28)

1.07 (0.90, 1.27)

0.98 (0.82, 1.17)

  ≥ 5% loss


1.00 (0.81, 1.24)

0.99 (0.81, 1.22)

0.98 (0.79, 1.22)

  Linear (per 0.03-unit increase)


0.49 (0.07, 3.38)

0.56 (0.08, 4.01)

1.01 (0.13, 1.73)

ABSI change



1 (ref)

1 (ref)

1 (ref)

  Stable/ < 5% loss


1.15 (0.97, 1.35)

1.13 (096, 1.34)

1.06 (0.90, 1.26)

  ≥ 5% loss


1.37 (1.06, 1.77)*

1.38 (1.07, 1.79)*

1.32 (1.02, 1.72)*

  Linear (per m11/6 kg−2/3unit increase)


0.97 (0.95, 0.99)**

0.97 (0.95, 0.99)**

0.97 (0.95, 0.99)**

  1. HR (95% CI) was calculated using Cox proportional regression models. Exposure = changes in adiposity indicators (value at the most recent visit prior to COVID-19 diagnosis or censoring − baseline); outcome: Covid-19 incidence (Y/N)
  2. Gain is defined as any amount of increase from the baseline value, stable/achieving loss signifies maintenance of or less than a 5% reduction from the baseline value. Category ≥ 5% loss = achieving more than a 5% reduction from the baseline value
  3. For modeling the linear association between absolute changes in anthropometric values with COVID-19 risk, respective baseline anthropometric measure was controlled for in the final model. Categorized anthropometric changes were calculated as percentage changes from the baseline and were not adjusted for baseline values
  4. For waist-to-height ratio change, linear association with COVID-19 is calculated per 0.03-unit increase which approximately denotes a 5% increase from the average value for this cohort
  5. The crude model used no adjustments
  6. Model 1: Adjusted for baseline age (years), sex (male/female), education (primary or less/secondary/university), marital status (single or divorced/married/widow(er), recruitment center
  7. Model 2: Additionally, adjusted for baseline smoking status (never/former/current), intervention group, Mediterranean diet adherence score (17-point scale), total physical activity (METs. min./week), alcohol intake (g/d as a quadratic term), and baseline diagnosis of chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia (Y/N)), use of ACE-inhibitor at/before pre-censoring visit (Y/N), and having one dose of COVID-19 vaccine at pre-censoring visit (Y/N)
  8. *Significant at p ≤ 0.05
  9. **significant at p ≤ 0.01
  10. ***significant at p ≤ 0.00