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Table 1 Epidemiological parameters associated with Marburg virus and Ebola virus diseases

From: A mathematical model of Marburg virus disease outbreaks and the potential role of vaccination in control


Marburg virus disease

Ebola virus disease

Case fatality ratio

53.8% [95% CI 26.5–80%]


65.0% [95% CI (54.0–76.0%)]

(All Outbreaks)


Serial Interval (Gamma distribution)

Mean: 9.2 days

Standard Deviation: 4.4 daysa

Mean: 11.6 days

Standard Deviation: 6.3 daysd [32]

Incubation period (range of central values, (range))

5–10 (2–21) days (15,31)

5.3–12.7 (1–21) daysd

[1, 4]

Basic reproduction number

1.2 [95% CI 1.0–1.9]

(Angola, 2004–2005)

0.76 [95% CI 0.57–0.98]

(DRC, 1998–2000)

1.1 [95% CI 0.66–1.9]

(Uganda, 2012)

Median estimates range from 0.51 to 1.2, depending on outbreakb

1.71 [95% CI 1.44, 2.01]


1.83 [95% CI 1.72, 1.94]


2.02 [95% CI 1.79, 2.26]

(Sierra Leone)d [32]

Maximum vaccine efficacy

100% (on Nonhuman Primates)c [2]

100% [30]

Days between vaccination and maximum efficacy

7 (on Nonhuman Primates)c [2]

10 [30]

Conditional timing between vaccination and infective contact

7 (on Nonhuman Primates)c [2]

Mean: 5.73 days

Standard deviation: 5.03 days [30]

Delay between onset of first case and implementation of interventions

21 days (median over all outbreaks)c

~ 90 daysd

  1. a Inferred from data
  2. b Simulated values
  3. c Assumed values, from Phase I trials of an MVD vaccine
  4. d Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa, beginning in 2013