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Table 1 Description of the UK-REACH cohort — results from the baseline questionnaire

From: Association between ethnicity and migration status with the prevalence of single and multiple long-term conditions in UK healthcare workers



Total n = 12,100

Age in years, median (IQR)

45 (34–54)


62 (0.5)



2876 (23.8)


9199 (76.0)


25 (0.2)

Ethnicity and migration status

 White UK-born

7444 (61.5)

 White overseas-born

1048 (8.7)

 Asian UK-born

834 (6.9)

 Asian overseas-born

1492 (12.3)

 Black UK-born

152 (1.3)

 Black overseas-born

369 (3.1)

 Mixed UK-born

383 (3.2)

 Mixed overseas-born

130 (1.1)

 Other UK-born

45 (0.4)

 Other overseas-born

203 (1.7)



2745 (22.7)


2489 (20.6)

 Allied Health Professionala

5057 (41.8)


734 (6.1)


642 (5.3)


433 (3.6)

Index of multiple deprivation quintile

 1 (most deprived)

1063 (8.8)


1758 (14.5)


2204 (18.2)


2593 (21.4)

 5 (least deprived)

3064 (25.3)


1418 (11.7)

Body mass index (kg/m2)b


151 (1.3)

 Healthy weight

4512 (37.3)


3645 (30.1)

 Obesity class 1

1678 (13.9)

 Obesity class 2

604 (5.0)

 Obesity class 3

323 (2.7)


1187 (9.8)

Physical activity index


3993 (33.0)

 Moderately active

2568 (21.2)

 Moderately inactive

2567 (21.2)


2407 (19.9)


565 (4.7)

Smoking status

 Never smoker

8736 (72.2)


2659 (22.0)

 Current smoker

599 (5.0)


106 (0.9)

Units of alcohol per week


5007 (41.4)


3838 (31.7)


1835 (15.2)


824 (6.8)


536 (4.4)


60 (0.5)

  1. aIncludes those working in pharmacy, optical, healthcare scientist and ambulance roles
  2. bUsing ethnicity-specific cut-offs (see the “ Methods” section for details)
  3. All data are n (%) unless otherwise stated
  4. IQR Interquartile range