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Fig. 3 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Early-life exposure to the Great Chinese Famine and gut microbiome disruption across adulthood for type 2 diabetes: three population-based cohort studies

Fig. 3

Keystone taxa as drivers of gut microbial diversity. A Venn diagram of the numbers and list of keystone taxa detected in each cohort. B Correlations between the gut microbial genera and observed OTUs in the GNHS. The values on the x-axis and y-axis represent the rank and Spearman’s coefficient of each genus’s correlation with observed OTUs, respectively. Only significant results were plotted in the figure, and the numbered genera represent the keystone taxa that were consistently detected across the three cohorts and their ranked numbers among all tested genera. C As in B, but for the GGMP cohort. D As in B, but for the CHNS cohort

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