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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of MCDA and sFGR twins

From: Metabolic dynamics and prediction of sFGR and adverse fetal outcomes: a prospective longitudinal cohort study

  1. Continuous variables were presented as the mean ± standard deviation (SD) and categorical variables were presented as numbers (percentages). P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant
  2. MCDA normal monochorionic diamniotic twins, sFGR selective fetal growth restriction, L the larger fetus, S the smaller fetus, BMI body mass index, IVF-ET in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer
  3. aStudent’s t-test
  4. bMann–Whitney U test
  5. cChi-square test
  6. dPaired t-test
  7. eWilcoxon’s-sign-rank-test