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Table 1 Demographics for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

From: The impact of the new acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) criteria on Berlin criteria ARDS patients: a multicenter cohort study


High-flow oxygen ARDS (n = 559)

Berlin criteria ARDS (n = 4279)

New criteria ARDS (n = 4838)



64.00 [51.00, 72.00]

65.00 [55.00, 75.00]

65.00 [55.00, 75.00]

 < 0.001

Gender (male) (n (%))

205 (36.7)

2078 (48.6)

2283 (47.2)

 < 0.001

Coexisting illness, (n (%))

 Chronic pulmonary disease

69 (12.3)

910 (21.3)

979 (20.2)

 < 0.001

 Immunosuppression disease

104 (18.6)

322 (7.5)

426 (8.8)

 < 0.001

 Liver disease

40 (7.2)

225 (5.3)

265 (5.5)


 Diabetes disease

146 (26.1)

940 (22.0)

1086 (22.4)


 Renal disease

64 (11.4)

817 (19.1)

881 (18.2)

 < 0.001

 Hypertension disease

102 (18.2)

1452 (33.9)

1554 (32.1)

 < 0.001

Laboratory parameters (mean (SD))/(median [IQR])

 White blood cell count × 10ˆ9/L

15.50 [11.60, 19.90]

14.40 [10.80, 18.90]

14.60 [10.90, 19.00]



10.50 [9.00, 12.80]

10.20 [8.70, 12.10]

10.20 [8.80, 12.20]


 Platelet (× 10ˆ9/L)

136.00 [99.50, 183.50]

161.00 [116.00, 216.00]

158.00 [113.00, 212.00]

 < 0.001

 International normalized ratio (median [IQR])

1.40 [1.20, 1.60]

1.40 [1.20, 1.60]

1.40 [1.20, 1.60]


 Prothrombin time (median [IQR])

14.90 [13.20, 17.30]

15.30 [13.00, 17.50]

15.20 [13.00, 17.50]


 Partial thromboplastin time (median [IQR])

31.60 [27.70, 40.60]

36.70 [29.30, 40.60]

35.65 [29.00, 40.60]

 < 0.001

 Creatinine (mg/dL)

1.00 [0.80, 1.38]

1.03 [0.80, 1.60]

1.00 [0.80, 1.60]


 Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dL)

16.00 [12.00, 22.85]

20.00 [14.00, 31.00]

19.00 [14.00, 30.00]

 < 0.001

Hemodynamic indicators

 Heart rate,bpm

98.00 [88.00, 114.00]

100.00 [90.00, 112.00]

100.00 [90.00, 112.00]


 Systolic blood pressure, mmHg

92.00 [83.00, 105.00]

143.00 [95.00, 174.00]

136.00 [92.00, 170.00]

 < 0.001

 Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg

48.00 [42.00, 56.00]

72.00 [49.00, 89.00]

68.00 [47.00, 87.00]

 < 0.001

 Mean arterial pressure, mmHg

62.00 [55.00, 70.00]

97.00 [63.00, 117.00]

92.00 [61.00, 114.00]

 < 0.001

 Lactates (mmol/L)

2.30 [1.65, 3.10]

2.40 [1.70, 3.10]

2.40 [1.70, 3.10]


Breathing-related indicators

 Respiration rate, bpm

26.00 [23.00, 30.00]

21.00 [16.00, 25.00]

22.00 [16.00, 26.00]

 < 0.001


8.00 [6.00, 11.00]

6.90 [5.22, 8.59]

7.93 [5.85, 10.80]

 < 0.001


176.00 [140.00, 230.00]

167.27 [118.00, 227.50]

169.09 [122.12, 227.50]

 < 0.001


180.00 [140.00, 234.00]

172.00 [120.00, 228.00]

173.00 [123.00, 229.00]

 < 0.001

ARDS severity (Berlin standard) (n (%))

 < 0.001


219 (39.2)

1493 (34.9)

1712 (35.4)



340 (60.8)

2210 (51.6)

2550 (52.7)



0 (0.0)

576 (13.5)

576 (11.9)



 Vasopressor (n (%))

66 (11.8)

801 (18.7)

867 (17.9)

 < 0.001


5.00 [3.00, 7.00]

6.00 [4.00, 9.00]

6.00 [4.00, 9.00]

 < 0.001

 Length of hospital stays, days (median [IQR])

6.61 [4.67, 11.00]

7.32 [4.56, 12.83]

7.21 [4.61, 12.54]


 Length of ICU stays, days (median [IQR])

2.18 [1.33, 4.30]

2.85 [1.66, 5.71]

2.79 [1.58, 5.58]

 < 0.001

  1. ROX SpO2/FiO2/respiratory rate, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, PaO2 arterial oxygen tension, FiO2 fraction of inspiration O2, SpO2 pulse oximeter oxygen saturation, ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome