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Fig. 2 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Peripheral vertigo and subsequent risk of depression and anxiety disorders: a prospective cohort study using the UK Biobank

Fig. 2

Connectivity of different brain regions in relation to depression, anxiety, and peripheral vertigo. Volcano plots show brain white matter connectivity in relation to depression, anxiety, and peripheral vertigo based on a linear regression after adjustment for age, sex, income, educational level, and Townsend index with no vertigo as reference. Horizontal dashed lines denote level of statistical significance with an FDR of 0.05. Vertical dashed lines denote no change of FA values (left: decrease; right: increase). ACR-L, anterior corona radiata left; ACR-R, anterior corona radiata right; SCR-L, superior corona radiata left; SCR-R, superior corona radiata right; PCR-L, posterior corona radiata left; PCR-R, posterior corona radiata right; PTR-L, posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton, left; PTR-R, posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton, right; UF_L, uncinate fasciculus left; FCST-L, fornix cres+stria terminalis left; CCG_L, cingulum cingulate gyrus left; P-TR-L, posterior thalamic radiation left; P-TR-R, posterior thalamic radiation right

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