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Table 2 Associations of the interpregnancy interval with infant neurodevelopment

From: Interpregnancy interval and early infant neurodevelopment: the role of maternal–fetal glucose metabolism

ASQ at 12 months

N (%)

Interpregnancy interval [RR (95% CI)]


Model 1

Model 2

Model 3

Model 4

Delay in one ASQ domain


136 (5.2%)

1.99 (1.32,3.01)

1.80 (1.18,2.75)

1.78 (1.16,2.74)

1.73 (1.11,2.70)

 Gross motor

119 (4.6%)

1.03 (0.61,1.75)

1.12 (0.66,1.91)

1.08 (0.63,1.85)

1.08 (0.62,1.88)

 Fine motor

135 (5.2%)

1.75 (1.14,2.68)

1.74 (1.13,2.69)

1.76 (1.13,2.72)

1.73 (1.10,2.72)


79 (3.0%)

1.11 (0.60,2.07)

1.11 (0.58,2.14)

1.04 (0.54,2.02)

1.08 (0.56,2.11)

 Personal social

174 (6.7%)

1.68 (1.14,2.47)

1.61 (1.09,2.39)

1.59 (1.06,2.36)

1.51 (1.00,2.29)

Delay in communication, fine motor, and personal social domain

 Delay in any 1 domain

335 (12.9%)

1.63 (1.21,2.19)

1.57 (1.16,2.13)

1.57 (1.15,2.13)

1.50 (1.09,2.06)

 Delay in any 2 domainsa

67 (2.6%)

2.53 (1.47,4.35)

2.20 (1.25,3.86)

2.17 (1.22,3.83)

2.12 (1.17,3.83)

 Delay in all 3 domainsb

42 (1.6%)

2.84 (1.46,5.51)

2.69 (1.37,5.30)

2.55 (1.28,5.08)

2.38 (1.17,4.88)

Number of delay across 3 domainsc


2.02 (1.36,2.99)

1.96 (1.30,2.97)

1.94 (1.28,2.95)

1.87 (1.22,2.88)

  1. Model 1 was adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics including maternal age, education, income
  2. Model 2 was further adjusted for perinatal health status and lifestyle including parity, prepregnancy overweight/obesity, SBP, DBP, depression during pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus, anemia during pregnancy, vitamin D supplement, folic acid supplement, and physical activity
  3. Model 3 was further adjusted for the birth outcomes including delivery mode, infant gender, gestational week, and birth weight
  4. Model 4 was further adjusted for postnatal factors including postpartum depression, number of siblings, duration of exclusive breastfeeding, feeding difficulties, poor sleeping in infants, high fever in infants, and primary caregiver
  5. a Poisson regression analysis revealed that the IRR with 95% CI between IPI and delay in any 2 domains was 1.11 (1.01,1.23)
  6. b Poisson regression analysis revealed that the IRR with 95% CI between IPI and delay in all 3 domains was 1.13 (1.01,1.25)
  7. c For the number of domains of delay across communication, fine motor, and personal social domain, 0 = no delay in any domain, 1 = 1 delay in any domain, 2 = 2 delays in any domain, and 3 = delay in all 3 domains