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Fig. 3 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Cortical structural changes of morphometric similarity network in early-onset schizophrenia correlate with specific transcriptional expression patterns

Fig. 3

Transcriptional expression patterns related to differences in MSN strength. a. The distribution of differences in MSN strength and PLS1 scores in the left hemisphere of the EOS1 subtype. b. The distribution of differences in MSN strength and PLS1 scores in the left hemisphere of the EOS2 subtype. c. Scatterplots showing the significant spatial correlation between PLS1 scores and the case–control t-value maps of MSN strength in both EOS subtypes; EOS1, Spearman’s r = 0.57, pspin < 0.0001; EOS2, Spearman’s r = 0.52, pspin < 0.0001. d-e. The expression of SCZ-related genes from ISH datasets was positively or negatively associated with regional changes in MSN, including 6 positive genes (i.e., CIT, ARC, GRIN2A, PVALB, GABRB2, and PPP3CC) and 8 negative genes (i.e., HTR2C, GRM3, RGS4, DTNBP1, SYN2, GRIK4, TAC1, and CNR1). All r values were determined by Spearman’s correlation analysis, and p values were obtained from spatial correlation tests and adjusted with FDR correction

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