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Fig. 3 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Maternal sevoflurane exposure increases the epilepsy susceptibility of adolescent offspring by interrupting interneuron development

Fig. 3

Maternal sevoflurane exposure impacts interneuron migration in the embryonic cortex. A Experimental protocols at E14.5. B Representative images of sections from fetal brains in Ctr and Sevo groups. Scale bar: 100 μm. C Representative images of E14.5 cortical columns. Cortical columns were divided into 10 equal-sized bins, and the number of YFP+ cells were counted in each. Bin 1 and Bin 10 represent the basal and apical side of the dorsal cortex respectively. MZ, marginal zone; CP, cortical plate; IZ, intermediate zone; SVZ, subventricular zone; VZ, ventricular zone. Scale bar: 50 μm. D and E Radial distribution of YFP+ cells in C. Ctr: 12 slices from 4 mice; Sevo: 15 slices from 5 mice. F Quantification of YFP+ cells in C. Ctr: 12 slices from 4 mice; Sevo: 15 slices from 5 mice. G Representative images of fetal dorsal cortex showing the orientations of YFP+ cells. Scale bar: 50 μm. H Quantification of the orientations of the leading processes into four quadrants. M, medial; V, ventral; L, lateral; D, dorsal. Ctr: 208 cells from 3 mice; Sevo: 243 cells from 3 mice. I The radar plots of the distribution of migrating directions assessed by the angle of the leading process. Angles were grouped into 15° bins and relative percentages were plotted. Each circle represents 5%. Ctr: 208 cells from 3 mice; Sevo: 243 cells from 3 mice. J Experimental protocols at E15.5. K Representative images of E15.5 cortex. Scale bar: 100 μm. L Quantification of YFP+ cells in K. Ctr: 9 slices from 3 mice; Sevo: 9 slices from 3 mice. M Radial distribution of YFP+ cells in K. Ctr: 9 slices from 3 mice; Sevo: 9 slices from 3 mice. N Quantification of the orientations of the leading processes into four quadrants. Ctr: 255 cells from 3 mice; Sevo: 193 cells from 3 mice. The data are represented as mean ± SEM. Two-tailed Student’s t-test was performed in F and L. Two-way ANOVA were performed in D, E, H, M, and N. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, n.s. no significance

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