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Table 7 Hospital discharge status during the baseline and post-acute phasesa in the overall population (N = 3792)

From: Substantial health and economic burden of COVID-19 during the year after acute illness among US adults not at high risk of severe COVID-19


Baseline phase

Post-acute phase

Hospitalizations, N



Discharge status, n (%)

 Discharged to home or self-care

21 (95.5)

90 (65.2)

 Discharged to home under care of home health service organization

0 (0.0)

5 (3.6)

 Discharged to other facilitya

0 (0.0)

16 (11.6)

 Still patient/transferred within institution

0 (0.0)

8 (5.8)

 Unknown status

1 (4.5)

19 (13.8)

  1. Percentages were calculated in relation to the total number of hospital discharges during the specified period
  2. aIncludes short-term general hospital, skilled nursing facility, intermediate care facility, federal healthcare facility, home hospice, medical facility hospice, inpatient rehabilitation facility, long-term care hospital, nursing facility certified under Medicare, psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part/unit of a hospital, critical access hospital or other type of healthcare institution