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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of participants by T2D in the UK Biobank cohort

From: Maternal smoking, nutritional factors at different life stage, and the risk of incident type 2 diabetes: a prospective study of the UK Biobank


Incident T2D

P value



Participants (%)

432,892 (94.1)

27,342 (5.9)


Age (years), mean (SD)

56.23 (8.10)

59.28 (7.26)


Gender (%)




242,579 (56.0)

11,527 (42.2)



190,313 (44.0)

15,815 (57.8)


Race (%)



 Non-white ethnicity

18,293 (4.2)

2,715 (9.9)


 White ethnicity

414,599 (95.8)

24,627 (90.1)


Smoking (%)




241,736 (55.8)

12,257 (44.8)



147,630 (34.1)

11,362 (41.6)



43,526 (10.1)

3,723 (13.6)


Drinking (%)




16,415 (3.8)

1,978 (7.2)



13,775 (3.2)

1,637 (6.0)



402,702 (93.0)

23,727 (86.8)


Employment (%)



 In paid employment or self-employed

258,051 (59.6)

12,113 (44.3)



139,782 (32.3)

11,705 (42.8)



35,059 (8.1)

3,524 (12.9)


BMI (%), kg/m2




153,916 (35.6)

2,611 (9.5)



186,911 (43.2)

9,724 (35.6)



92,065 (21.3)

15,007 (54.9)


 MET-min/week ≥600 (%)

278,904 (64.4)

14,673 (53.7)




 Townsend deprivation index, mean (SD)

-1.46 (3.00)

-0.58 (3.37)


 Birth weight, mean (SD), kg

3.33 (0.66)

3.24 (0.76)


 Hypertension drug use (%)

23,609 (5.5)

2,058 (7.5)


 Cholesterol-lowering drug use (%)

24,123 (5.6)

4,592 (16.8)


 Family history of diabetes (%)

74,215 (17.1)

8,865 (32.4)


 Maternal smoking around birth (%)

109,657 (25.3)

7,343 (26.9)


 Breastfed as a baby (%)

241,387 (55.8)

14,925 (54.6)


  1. Continuous variables are presented as Mean(SD). Categorical variables are presented as numbers (%, percentage)
  2. T2D Type 2 diabetes, BMI Body mass index, SD Standard deviation