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Table 1 Characterisation of the study group of women (50–69 years) with an incident breast cancer diagnosis (C50) in the period 2006–2014 and a follow-up on causes of death until December 31st, 2018, with and without stratification by detection mode

From: Isolating the effect of confounding from the observed survival benefit of screening participants — a methodological approach illustrated by data from the German mammography screening programme






Screen-detected BC

N = 24,418

Interval-detected BC

N = 7795

Screen- and interval-detected BC

N = 32,213

N = 36,017

N = 68,230

Age at diagnosis

 Median, IQR

61 (10)

60 (9)

60 (10)

60 (10)

60 (19)

Year of diagnosis, N (%)a


640 (2.6)

22 (0.3)

662 (2.1)

5664 (15.7)

6326 (9.3)


2017 (8.3)

184 (2.4)

2201 (6.8)

5963 (16.6)

8164 (12.0)


3142 (12.9)

644 (8.3)

3786 (11.8)

5131 (14.2)

8917 (13.1)


3135 (12.8)

937 (12.0)

4072 (12.6)

4163 (11.6)

8235 (12.1)


3109 (12.7)

1174 (15.1)

4283 (13.3)

3421 (9.5)

7704 (11.3)


2970 (12.2)

1168 (15.0)

4138 (12.8)

3262 (9.1)

7400 (10.8)


3299 (13.5)

1187 (15.2)

4486 (13.9)

2910 (8.1)

7396 (10.8)


3072 (12.6)

1263 (16.2)

4335 (13.5)

2891 (8.0)

7226 (10.6)


3034 (12.4)

1216 (15.6)

4250 (13.2)

2612 (7.3)

6862 (10.1)

Tumour stage, N (%)


18,029 (73.8)

3323 (42.6)

21,352 (66.3)

14,257 (39.6)

35,609 (52.2)


5253 (21.5)

2558 (32.8)

7811 (24.2)

9621 (26.7)

17,432 (25.5)


430 (1.8)

355 (4.6)

785 (2.4)

1581 (4.4)

2366 (3.5)


113 (0.5)

146 (1.9)

259 (0.8)

1666 (4.6)

1925 (2.8)


593 (2.4)

1413 (18.1)

2006 (6.2)

8892 (24.7)

10,898 (16.0)

Outcome, N (%)a

 Death from breast cancer (ICD-10: C50)

1040 (4.3)

883 (11.3)

1923 (6.0)

6894 (19.1)

8817 (12.9)

 Death from all causes other than breast cancer (ICD-10: C50)

1457 (6.0)

391 (5.0)

1848 (5.7)

3419 (9.5)

5272 (7.7)

 Death from causes other than breast cancer (ICD-10: C50) and cardiovascular diseases (ICD-10: I00-I99)

1142 (4.7)

319 (4.1)

1461 (4.6)

2677 (7.4)

4138 (6.1)


21,921 (89.8)

6521 (83.7)

28,442 (88.3)

25,699 (71.4)

54,141 (79.4)

Follow-up, years

 Median, IQR

7.92 (3.90)

7.18 (3.25)

7.75 (3.78)

9.78 (4.28)

8.59 (4.33)

 Meanb, SE

7.96 (0.02)

7.29 (0.02)

7.81 (0.01)

9.28 (0.02)

8.52 (0.01)

  1. ICD-10 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision, IQR Interquartile range, NA Tumours without staging information, BC Breast cancer, SE Standard error
  2. aDue to rounding, the individual percentages do not always add up to the percentage of the summarised figures
  3. b[28, 29]