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Table 4 Association of grade 1 hypertension defined by ethnicity-specific thresholds vs. ESH thresholds with incident composite outcome

From: Ethnicity-specific blood pressure thresholds based on cardiovascular and renal complications: a prospective study in the UK Biobank


IRR (95% CI)a


Ethnicity-specific thresholdb

ESH threshold

South Asian

1.33 (1.03,1.73)c

1.29 (1.06,1.56)

Black Caribbean

1.26 (0.91,1.75)

1.21 (0.89,1.66)

Black African

1.70 (1.08,2.67)

1.11 (0.77,1.61)

  1. Abbreviation: IRR Incidence rate ratio, CI Confidence interval, eGFR Estimated glomerular filtration rate, BMI Body mass index, LDL-C Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDL-C High-density lipoprotein cholesterol, ESH European Society of Hypertension
  2. aIRR was for the incidence rate associated with grade 1 hypertension for the composite outcome of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, heart failure, and chronic kidney disease, adjusted for age, sex, BMI, income, education, drinking status, smoking status, diabetes status, hypertension medication, cholesterol-lowering medication, LDL-C, HDL-C, triglycerides, eGFR, Townsend deprivation index, and physical activities
  3. bEthnicity-specific thresholds for grade 1 hypertension were as shown in Table 2
  4. cBolded numbers were statistically significant at the level of 0.05