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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of participants stratified by metabolic syndrome status in the UK Biobank cohort

From: Investigating the nexus of metabolic syndrome, serum uric acid, and dementia risk: a prospective cohort study


Non-metabolic syndrome

(N = 354 625)

Metabolic syndrome

(N = 112 163)

Overall (N = 466 788)

Mean (SD) age, years

56.2 (8.2)

58.5 (7.7)

56.8 (8.1)

Female, N (%)

194,126 (54.7)

56,185 (50.1)

250,311 (53.6)

White, N (%)

334,812 (94.4)

106,066 (94.6)

440,878 (94.4)

Mean (SD), index of multiple deprivation

16.6 (13.6)

19.6 (15.3)

17.3 (14.1)

Never smoker

201,094 (56.7)

54,663 (48.7)

255,757 (54.8)

Never drinker

25,588 (7.2)

11,765 (10.5)

37,353 (8.0)

> 5 portions of fruit and vegetable per day, N (%)

135,273 (38.1)

40,167 (35.8)

175,440 (37.6)

High activity, N (%)

122,911 (34.7)

28,614 (25.5)

151,525 (32.5)

Multivitamin use, N (%)

53,834 (15.2)

15,467 (13.8)

69,301 (14.8)

Intake of mineral supplements, N (%)

77,332 (21.8)

21,972 (19.6)

99,304 (21.3)

Aspirin use, N (%)

38,800 (10.9)

27,687 (24.7)

66,487 (14.2)

Non-aspirin NSAIDs use, N (%)

56,495 (15.9)

19,592 (17.5)

76,087 (16.3)

History of Alzheimer’s disease/dementia

41,322 (11.7)

12,983 (11.6)

54,305 (11.6)

Mean (SD) waist circumference, cm

86.0 (11.1)

104 (10.8)

90.3 (13.5)

Mean (SD) BMI, kg/m2

25.9 (3.71)

32.4 (4.4)

27.4 (4.8)

Mean (SD) TG, mmol/L

1.52 (0.9)

2.40 (1.2)

1.74 (1.0)

Mean (SD) HDL, mmol/L

1.52 (0.4)

1.23 (0.3)

1.45 (0.4)

Mean (SD) LDL, mmol/L

3.56 (0.8)

3.53 (1.0)

3.55 (0.867)

Mean (SD) cholesterol, mmol/L

5.73 (1.1)

5.57 (1.3)

5.69 (1.1)

Mean (SD) fasting glucose, mmol/L

4.97 (0.9)

5.54 (1.8)

5.12 (1.2)

Mean (SD) HbA1c, mmol/L

35.1 (5.2)

39.3 (9.6)

36.1 (6.8)

Mean (SD) SBP, mmHg

138 (19.7)

146 (18.0)

140 (19.7)

Mean (SD) DBP, mmHg

81.1 (10.6)

86.0 (10.3)

82.3 (10.7)

  1. Abbreviations: BMI body mass index, TG triglyceride, HDL high-density lipoprotein, LDL low-density lipoprotein, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, HbA1c hemoglobin A1c, NASIDS non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ASP aspirin