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Table 10 TASTE: thrombus aspiration in myocardial infarction

From: Heterogeneity in pragmatic randomised trials: sources and management

Patients: Adults with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

Centres: 29 Swedish centres and 1 Icelandic coronary intervention centre

Intervention: Thrombus aspiration followed by percutaneous coronary intervention

Control: Percutaneous coronary intervention

Outcome: All-cause mortality at 30 days (see below)

Design: Two parallel-group individually randomised trial within cohort


“Data on mortality obtained from the national population registry”.

“The concept of a trial design using a national registry as the basis for continuous enrolment and randomisation of all-comers is potentially limited by the lack of formal central adjudication of clinical events. Therefore, we have chosen all-cause mortality from the national complete mortality registry as the primary end point of the trial.”