From Submission to Acceptance
2. In-House Editor Performs Checks
- Scope suitability
- Adherence to Editorial Policies (Ethics, Plagiarism,…)
If deemed suitable, you will be invited to Handle the Manuscript.
3. You Assess Manuscript
For guidance on how to assess a Manuscript within the Editorial System, Snapp, please see the Snapp page on the ‘Assess suitability’ task.
You should assess the Manuscript according to the novelty and potential impact of the study. We ideally consider Manuscripts that are of high specialist and/or broad general interest.
Please read our guide outlining the key things to look for when assessing Manuscripts.
What to do Next?
3A. Pass the Suitability Assessment and Invite Reviewers
If you recommend peer review, then please pass the ‘Assess suitability’ task and send a message with your rationale to the in-House Editor using the discussion tool in Snapp, tagging the editor in the message by typing “@” and selecting their name. Please wait for the in-House Editors to respond before you start inviting Reviewers.
You can start inviting Reviewers once you have heard back from the in-House Editor via the discussion tool.
For guidance on how to invite Reviewers in the Editorial System, please see the Snapp page on finding and inviting Reviewers.
Please also read our guide on our Reviewer’s criteria, how to find suitable Reviewers, and tools you can use to aid you in your search.
If you are struggling to find Reviewers, please contact a member of our in-House team.
3B. You Make a Decision
If you recommend revise or reject/transfer before review, please select the revise or reject option and provide a brief explanation of your Decision.
Please note that all your Decisions will be returned to the in-House Editor for final check. If we agree with your recommendation we will inform the authors of our Decision. If there are any concerns with your recommendation, we will contact you.
For guidance on how to submit a Decision within the Editorial System, please see the Snapp page on making a Decision.
3C. Unsure
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to your in-House contact for advice, we're always happy to help.
4. Making Decision after Review
- Minor revisions (You are able to check the revisions; suggest using rarely after the initial round of peer review)
- Major revisions (May require re-review from the original reviewers; this should be used in the vast majority of cases after the initial round of peer review)
- Reject after review
Please provide a short rationale for your decision.
Please see our guidance on making Decisions and the Snapp page on making a Decision. Please note that all your Decisions will be returned to the in-House Editor for final check. If we agree with our recommendation we will inform the authors of our Decision. If there are any concerns with your recommendation, we will contact you.
6. Assessing Revised Manuscript
Please see our guidance on handling Revised Submissions here.
7. Making Final Decision
Please note that all your Decisions will be returned to the in-House Editor for final check. If we agree with your recommendation we will inform the authors of our Decision. If there are any concerns with your recommendation, we will contact you.
8. In-House Editor Performs Standard Checks before Acceptance
These includes:
- Formatting
- Confirmation of Authorship from all Authors
If all OK, we proceed with Accept.